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Private Utility Locating

While the 811 system is a helpful resource for locating buried utilities, it primarily focuses on public utilities that are owned and operated by utility companies. Private utilities, such as those that serve individual properties or facilities, may not always be included in the 811 system. Additionally, some underground structures, such as abandoned tanks or pipes, may not be included in the 811 database. It is important to conduct a thorough private utility locating process to ensure that all underground facilities and structures are identified and mapped accurately.




One-Call (811) 

It's important to note that several underground facilities and structures remain unmarked by the 811 system. To ensure comprehensive safety measures, Midwest Utility Locating can identify areas that contract 811 locators may overlook. Protect your crew and the public from potential harm and hidden dangers by prioritizing the protection of private utilities at your jobsite.



Dig safe, dig smart - call us before you start

It's worth noting that 65% of all underground utility lines are actually private utilities, and therefore aren't identified by calling 811. At Midwest Utility Locating, we locate both public and private utilities to save your project valuable time and money. While all utilities share the same purpose of providing necessary services to communities, there is a significant difference when it comes to safeguarding these utilities during digging operations.


Reduce Costs

Having private utilities located can reduce the overall cost of a job in several ways. Firstly, it can prevent costly damages to underground infrastructure, which can result in expensive repair work and project delays. Secondly, it can prevent the need to reroute the project design or alter construction plans, which can also result in added expenses. Thirdly, it can help avoid costly fines or legal action resulting from utility strikes or other safety violations. 

Locating the Unseen, Protecting the Essential

​"Ensuring Your Safety, Every Dig, Every Day"

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